HR can get lonely. We’re here to fix that. Elevate your company.
future foHRward was founded in 2016 by Mark Edgar and Naomi Titleman Colla, two senior executives with over 50 combined years of global HR experience.
They truly believe that HR’s moment is now. With so much disruption impacting the world of work, HR has a unique opportunity to shape our organizations to be sustainable for the future.
future foHRward’s mission is to empower HR leaders of the future to make work better.
To achieve their mission, they provide a collaborative environment, where forward-thinking HR professionals can find resources, tools, peer support and the most progressive thought leaders, to inspire and guide them in their roles and careers.
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foHRsight, our weekly newsletter, will quickly become your go-to resource for gaining deeper insights and staying a step ahead on the latest trends impacting your organizations’ people strategy. We always aim to provide our unique foHRsight, as well as something to make you smile and feel good…you can’t spell humour without HR!
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The foHRsight podcast is devoted to making work better through inspiring discussions. With fascinating guests, and the occasional banter between Mark and Naomi, you’ll gain access to insights from some of our field's greatest thought leaders, always with actionable tips for HR professionals (have a notebook handy!).
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Individually we can impact an organization, but collectively, we can transform the world of work. Our cross-border, digitally-powered foHRsight+ community provides members with access to top thought leaders, an incredible network of forward-thinking peers, and much more.
Subscribe now to receive our weekly newsletter filled with thought-provoking articles and tools to help you drive the evolution of work, PLUS receive our Q1 2025 foHRsight white paper and infographic Supercharging Human Performance.